We support Michelle

Several of us were disappointed by the disgruntled remarks of letter writer Bob Tritschler that appeared in the Aug. 1 edition of The NEWS.

Several of us dedicated to keep Canada a great country by continuing to elect and support honest persons as our elected representatives were disappointed by the disgruntled remarks of letter writer Bob Tritschler that appeared in the Aug. 1 edition of The NEWS.

Instead of being proud of an honest, enthusiastic person, mother of a challenged child, a role model for disabled persons and above all someone committed to her local community and her constituency, he goes and shoots petty partisan arrows at our new MLA Michele Stilwell.

It has been reported that she has given up the homeschooling of her beloved son, cut back on her promotional speaking, reduced her hours of practice and openly talked about achieving efficient time management to work for her constituency.

Let’s not forget that unlike many of our other MLAs and MPs, she did not make false campaign promises. She was honest and upfront about not quitting her sports.

In fact, we earnestly hope that she does not do so. One talk by her in a school can motivate kids to engage in sports. She is a wonderful role model for our teenagers to utilize their boundless energy in useful pursuits. Given her world athlete stature, she can be a voice for young people, and for getting government support for sport and healthy living initiatives. In fact, she is a breath of fresh air for the many Canadians who have given up hope in the politicians of our generation.

Michelle, please pay no heed to petty partisan remarks. You have the support of the silent majority.

Ghazi and Janet Farooq

Nanoose Bay

Parksville Qualicum Beach News