Weak jail sentences perpetuate Canada’s crime ‘industry’

Recently your paper published yet another weak sentence for crimes committed.

To the Editor,

Re: Theft suspect pleads guilty, March 3.

Recently your paper published yet another weak sentence for crimes committed. A 40-year-old man pleaded guilty to crimes of break-and-enter, drug possession, blah, blah. He was driving a rented truck full of stolen items. This chap received a 16-month sentence. With that in mind he will be housed quite handsomely until next spring. Nice. Clearly, at 40, this guy is no amateur. He has contributed to a series of crimes for which he pleaded guilty.

My point is the sentence contributes to what crime and punishment is in Canada. Business. It’s all to perpetuate the crime ‘industry.’ The cops, lawyers, insurance, judges, jails, uniforms, paperwork are all a growth industry employing thousands. All part of the Canadian GDP. All good for business as long as that self-confessed criminal is on the street.

R.K. RegehrNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin