Wearing a helmet is critical for cyclists’ safety

Pining for European model does no good in North America

Re: Driver remains fearful of riding in traffic in the city (Letters, March 22)

I devote much of my time promoting a campaign sponsored by the British Columbia Brain Injury Association (Helmet hair or Long Term Care) designed to make others, especially children, aware of the importance regarding head protection and the benefits of helmets.

Therefore, the statement in this letter, “feeling sorry for cyclists obeying traffic laws and wearing helmets,” motivates me even more to promote helmet safety to kids and hopefully save a few lives.

I agree there are definitely things that need changing, such as lane and barrier designs, and drivers’ attitudes toward cyclists here in B.C., but what should not change is the requirement to wear a helmet when riding a bike. It is the one fundamental piece of equipment that must remain a constant in the attempt to prevent serious brain injury.

Wearing a helmet may not protect you from being hit by a car, but it will protect you from one of the most serious injuries you could unfortunately ever receive, permanent brain damage. As I always say, the choice is between ‘Helmet Hair or Long term Care.’

Happy helmet wearing.

Greg Goldberg


Victoria News