Wednesday lunch guests appreciate support from Creston volunteers

For the last eight months on Wednesdays, hot lunch served to average of 32 people, says Creston letter writer Linda Price…

To the Editor:

I am writing this on behalf of all the people who come to the Wednesday lunches for the lonely or less fortunate. They are very grateful to the Creston Valley Gleaners Society, the Creston Valley Seniors Association hall and the volunteers who prepare the delicious nutritious meals.

For the last eight months on Wednesdays, a hot lunch has been served to an average of 32 people, and now for the next four months we switch to giving out bag lunches. When the fruit pickers arrive in town we will be giving out more than 40 bag lunches.

Without the Gleaners financial support, the lunches would not be possible. Without volunteers Alice Vandusen, Claudia Campbell, Judy Falk, Helen Kuo, Carol Bateman, Trudy Woolsey, and Margaret and Paul Goldsmith, the lunches would not be possible. Without the seniors kindly letting us rent their hall every Wednesday, the lunches would not be possible.

It is a winning combination and the Wednesday lunch patrons are grateful to everyone. We hear it every week when they leave and call out, “Thank you!”

Linda Price


Creston Valley Advance