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Weed removal only a band-aid solution

Aren't aren't we talking about why there are weeds in Williams Lake?


I read City receives limited permit to use lake weed harvester in Nov.19/2020 issue of the Williams Lake Tribune with great interest, not once but twice.

Nowhere within the article did I see anything about the elephant in the room, that is, exactly why the lake is full of weeds. Why was that omitted?

Is it because septic tanks may be draining into the lake? Is it due to fertilizer run-off from all the lawns next to the lake? Is it simply nutrients from all the bird droppings? That should have been an important piece of the article but I saw nothing about the cause or causes in the article.

Until they are properly and permanently addressed, weed removal will remain a band-aid solution, doomed to disappoint.

Pam Grover

Chilanko Forks

Williams Lake Tribune