

Weir long overdue, critical project

This protracted date is shocking but understandable given years of foot-dragging

Weir long overdue, critical project

Dear CVRD Chairman Aaron Stone and directors:

After bringing myself to current speed — thanks to information kindly sent to me by Chairman Stone — about plans to study then build a new weir controlling Cowichan River flows, I was alarmed to learn the projected construction date is 2024.

That’s at least four years down the road, fraught with sizzling summers of river drying that potentially could kill salmon spawning in our heritage river and decimate tourism, wildlife habitat and more.

This protracted date is shocking but understandable given years of foot-dragging by the CVRD, Catalyst Cowichan, Victoria and the feds concerning river flows in the face of climate change.

We are now seeing sorry results of all talk and no action, until recently, regarding a new weir that could also see delays and overruns.

However, I fully applaud all efforts by the Cowichan Tribes and river stakeholders on the eco-front lines of saving salmon and much more.

Exactly how much our new weir will cost taxpayers and others is pending.

Frankly, I am praying Mother Nature continues to save our precious river during these coming hot years until the new weir is finally built.

Thanks again for the weir update and I look forward to more news as this long-overdue, critical project continues.

Peter W. Rusland


Cowichan Valley Citizen