Welcome back to the 2016-2017 school year!

Letter to the Editor by Mr. Cory Carmichael - Welcome back to the 2016-2017 school year!

To the Editor,

I would like to introduce myself, Cory Carmichael, as the proud new principal of Barriere Elementary. It’s been a few moons since 1979 when I entered Kindergarten in Ms. Hearn’s class at BES and a few things have changed … we were known as the Tigers, Barriere Ridge wasn’t built, TRU was still Cariboo College, we listened to music on cassettes and mixed tapes were our playlists. But many things haven’t changed, such as the welcoming nature of the community, the great students and pride in where we come from. I am pleased to be joining the elementary following three fantastic years as Vice Principal at Barriere Secondary.

The Barriere Elementary staff would like to welcome back to school all the students, parents and caregivers in our community as well as those families who have recently joined us. We hope everybody had a tremendous summer holiday filled with fun, adventure, a little rest and lots of time with family and friends! Now it’s time to crack the seal on another great school year and embrace the daily routine of early mornings, making lunches, riding the bus, acquiring knowledge, participating in class trips, making new friends and developing independence.

The staff at Barriere Elementary are pleased to welcome many new students, regular and returning staff members, as well as Ms. Hoffman, our newest teacher at BES who will be joining us in the primary division. Thank you to the parents/caregivers for your patience and understanding while classes were formed and students placed into their new learning environments.

I look forward to the year ahead and the opportunity to work with students, staff, parents and the community to continue to support Barriere Elementary as an exciting environment to learn, laugh and grow in.

Mr. Cory Carmichael, principal

Barriere Elementary School

Barriere Star Journal