Welcome Buy-Low and good-bye to Safety Mart

Safety Mart has been the heart of our community for the past 43 years

Editor, The Times:

I was unable to be there when the Safety Mart closed or when the Buy-Low Foods opened, so I felt I had to write something.

Safety Mart has been the heart of our community for the past 43 years. I watched it grow, starting with a couple of guys named Gunther and Fred, from Vancouver who put up the building.

Clearwater was just starting to grow then. My goodness, there were only 13 houses in Weyerhaeuser subdivision but we had three sawmills, so Safety Mart grew.

It was the first work place for many young people. It supported every club, group, organization and family that was hit with disaster or illness. Safety Mart was always there, a true reflection of “The Boys,” Ken, Ralph, Wayne, and Malcolm. Safety Mart withstood the closure of three sawmills, but kept that friendly meeting place for friends and families. They were always there for the weddings, funerals and birthdays.

Buy-Low Foods, you have big shoes to fill, but I’m sure you will with the beautiful new store, the good service and friendly people.

Best wishes and many thanks.

Dolly Turcotte Parman


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times