Welcome, Dubya… ‘only in Surrey’

Columnist Frank Bucholtz suggests that banning George W. Bush’s presence in Surrey reflects “a myopic view.” Frank, normally I tend to agree with you. But not on this matter.

However, Surrey council  would be well advised to distance themselves from any supportive involvement of Bush.

As the reader may know, Bush has been formally charged by the Hague’s War Crimes Tribunal.

This smirking neo-con has been responsible for the deaths and traumatization of millions. In Iraq alone there are “two million dead while four million fled.”

All his violence and theft were proven to be  based on lies and greed. Many nations have issued warrants for his arrest. His traveling is restricted. How will history (and the world) regard Surrey for hosting Bush?

Bush’s criminal wars  went on to create world economic bankruptcies. Yet his economic expertise is being sought. How oxymoronic!

For years, Surrey has been looked upon with social condescension. Now we, by giving tacit support, will resurrect the putative adage, “only in Surrey…”

Surrey’s popular and charismatic mayor must have been ill-advised to think that this person would have a positive effect on anything.

Surely someone from Surrey council will  have the courage to stand up and respond.

Remember, elections are imminent.

G. L. Zaklan



Unacceptable to voters

It‘s election time again, and all the candidates are out, putting their best faces forward in order to try and gain votes so they can return to power.

Before you cast your vote, please know your decision can make a huge difference in your future.

I feel is critical to ask why your beautiful city would allow a war criminal to speak at the Surrey Regional Economic Summit.

George W. Bush is a war criminal and as such, must be barred under Canadian law, or if allowed into Canada, must be arrested and prosecuted for these crimes.

Canada has become a signatory to many international war crimes and crimes against humanity laws, including the Convention against Torture, and it is our obligation to deny safe haven from prosecution in Canada for all foreign nationals credibly accused of torture or other war crimes.

The first legal duty is to deny entry to a suspect. If the suspect – in this case Bush – enters Canada, the legal duty is to ensure that he is prosecuted or extradited elsewhere for prosecution.

The fact Mayor Dianne Watts and council would invite a person known to have been involved in torture and other international crimes into Surrey citizens‘ own backyard should be unacceptable to voters.

The evidence that Bush as president of the U.S. authorized, directed and failed to prevent the widespread use of torture is overwhelming. Numerous tribunals and legal organizations around the world have concluded that the Iraq war was illegal. Criminal complaints for extraordinary rendition against Bush and other Bush administration officials have been filed with the International Criminal Court.

The mayor and council of Surrey have been duly notified of the legal obligations of their positions, and they have continued to ignore this legal advice.

Aiding and abetting a war criminal will probably not look to good on their campaign flyers.

Bev Collins


Tour of shame

I think it is wholly unbelievable that war criminal George W. Bush is being invited/hosted/received/ in Canada generally, and in Surrey specifically.

Is it because he is wealthy that we must treat him with some amount of dignity? He is a war criminal. He must be dealt with appropriately according to international law.

Reject Bush and his tour of shame. Tell him he’s not welcome. Stand for something honourable and respectful. Stop war and impunity.

Jesse Atton

Surrey Now Leader