Welcome to Burns Lake

That was the first thought that crossed my mind as I drove into town for the first time last Monday afternoon.

That was the first thought that crossed my mind as I drove into town for the first time last Monday afternoon.

I had my apprehensions about accepting the job as the new editor and reporter for the Lakes District News.

After all, I was being asked whether or not, at 23-years-old, if I was willing to pack up my life and leave the only place I’ve ever called home to move to a place that I’d never been to before, and to be honest knew little about.

However, I decided the job and life experience was worth it, and my apprehensions have been eased over the past three weeks since I accepted the position.

First of all, a big thank you to Laura Blackwell and Kim Piper, both of whom have been patient and accommodating during my move up here, and over the course of my first week at the paper.

Secondly, to the people I’ve met already, either at Mulvaney’s, the Rotary Club or anywhere else that I’ve stopped in during my short time here, thanks for being friendly to the new guy, I’m sure we’ll be seeing lots more of each other.

Finally, to the people in town that I haven’t met yet, I’m sure we’ll get to know each other sometime in the near future.

Now, over the next little while I’ll be the one learning about all of you and asking the questions, so here’s a little about me. I’m a 23-year-old graduate of Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s journalism program, I graduated last May. This is the first journalism job that I’ve had that has paid me to work, and it’s also the first one I’ve had working for a community newspaper, so I hope you’ll all bare with me as I learn the ropes.

I grew up in North Delta, a small suburb of Vancouver. On a good day you’d be able to drive from North Delta to Vancouver in 30 minutes.

On a bad day, and there are many bad traffic days, it could take you over an hour.

Needless to say, I won’t be missing the traffic.

I played many sports growing up, but like many I gravitated towards hockey. I played minor hockey for the North Delta Minor Hockey Association for 16 years.

Along with playing I’ve coached and refereed.

So, for all those community members that are involved with Burns Lake Minor Hockey, be prepared to see me around the rink all the time.

This is the first time I’ve lived on my own, so if you don’t know who I am after a couple weeks, just look for the guy walking around looking tired and stressed. I’m only half kidding.

A question I was asked frequently by friends back home was,”What are you going to do up in Burns Lake?,” and my answer was I’m not sure.

That’s the beauty of it, I’m coming in with a blank slate, willing to go out and try anything.

I’m excited to head to the local mountain bike trails, to get out and do some fishing and to just meet and talk to new people.

And as far as winters go, well I’ll cross that bridge when it gets here, but more likely than not you’ll find me out on the lake, lacing up my skates.

I’m excited to get my career started, but more importantly I’m excited to serve the community and write stories that people here are passionate about.

I only hope I can live up to the standards that have been set here at the newspaper by the people that work here, and who’ve worked here. I look forward to seeing all of you around town.


Burns Lake Lakes District News