Well done

Citizen supports proposed road for 43rd Avenue in Vernon and applauds mayor and council's forward-thinking

Recently, I read a letter in The Morning Star regarding the proposed road diet on 43rd Avenue.

I would like the mayor and council to know that not only am I in full support of the plan that was developed to better all of Vernon, but I also routinely brag about the proactive initiatives our city has taken to all my family and friends straight across Canada. As both a driver and a (more) frequent pedestrian, I see the value of the new road plans from both sides.

As a pedestrian, that typically walks with at least one of my three children, I truly appreciate the wider sidewalks and shared pathways that allow us to get around safely. Just recently, I used the new sidewalk that runs from the Village Green Mall down 29th street.

I was first and foremost absolutely amazed at how safe I felt. This was a very welcome change from having to walk down 31st Street (with no walkways at all), as it used to be safer than 29th. The second thing I noticed were businesses that I had no idea existed on that street before. You see, without a safe walking route, the only time I had been down that street was in a car or on the bus. I never had time to notice these places when driving. Now that I know I can safely walk to these places, you can believe I will be able to spend my shopping dollars at these places

As a driver, I have noticed less traffic tie-ups along 20th and 27th streets and around Polson Park. The traffic flow is far more simple, especially when attempting left-hand turns. Crosswalks and bike routes along these roads are very clearly marked which takes away a lot of stress when driving. I no longer need to guess if pedestrians are attempting to cross the street as crosswalks are clearly marked. Cyclists having a safe space of their own definitely eases my mind when driving – no second guessing if the cyclist will change lanes, or if the road will suddenly narrow – just knowing there is room for both cars and cyclists makes both methods of transportation more viable in our city.

These changes have greatly and positively impacted my life, my health and my children’s lives.

I know people are usually quick to write to politicians and the media to complain, and not many will let you know that they are satisfied with the work you do.

This is why I wanted to tell you that you are doing a fantastic job with the road diet projects and to give you a heartfelt thank you from my whole family for making our city a safer and healthier place to grow up in and walk and bike around, too.

Melanie Young, Vernon




Vernon Morning Star