We’ll get through this

British Columbians are facing an unprecedented challenge as COVID-19 impacts all facets of our lives from our schools, healthcare system, businesses, and day-to-day routines.

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British Columbians are facing an unprecedented challenge as COVID-19 impacts all facets of our lives from our schools, healthcare system, businesses, and day-to-day routines.

Although the vast majority of cases in B.C. are located in the Lower Mainland, we need to remain vigilant to the threat to smaller, isolated communities.

Remember that there is a difference between being panicked and being vigilant – and stockpiling on toilet paper and cleaning supplies is not what anyone needs to be doing right now.

We need to be listening to the healthcare experts, adhering to social distancing requirements, and remaining calm yet cautious. Our food supply chains continue to run smoothly and essential services are open.

It is important to appreciate the individuals that are working tirelessly on the front lines of this crisis to ensure British Columbians are able to weather the storm and come out on top.

Truckers are transporting goods to ensure people all over the province have what they need during these difficult times. Employees of grocery stores and pharmacies continue to deliver their services. Healthcare professionals are working around the clock to ensure British Columbians receive care. We send our sincere thanks to each and every one of you.

All of these workers are doing their best, and we owe it to them and to each other to do the same.

We are calling on all communities across the North to support one another as rural communities know how to do best. Pick up the phone and call your social networks or make sure your elderly and vulnerable neighbours have enough groceries at home. Self-isolation may put physical distance between us to help combat this virus, but it should not isolate our social connections.

We are in a definitive time in the world right now- let’s show each other that in a period of crisis we come together as a community.

By Cariboo Chilcotin MLA and BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson

100 Mile House Free Press