Well past denialist stage

We are well past the denialist stage and are only beginning to grasp the consequences of warming on ecosystems and food production.

Re: Lack of warming, Nov. 19, 2014.

Contrary to Mr. Chilton’s assertion that climatologists have seen no warming for more than 15 years; the 10 warmest years on record have occurred in this period and 2014 is on its way to becoming the record warmest.

We are well past the denialist stage and are only beginning to grasp the consequences of warming on ecosystems and food production. One of the most serious concerns for we islanders, is our state of deep food insecurity. We can no longer depend on California and the food corporations to deliver in times of shortages and international free trade.

There is no room left for denialism and unfounded opinions when time is running out.

James K. Finley, Sidney

Peninsula News Review