Well positioned for clean energy

low impact run-of-river answer to hydroelectric sources

To the editor:

How often do people stop and think about the incredibly sustainable province we live in?

Virtually all of British Columbia’s electricity comes from clean, renewable hydroelectric sources. We have enough untapped hydro potential to do the same again several times over, particularly if we make use of a distributed network of low-impact run-of-river projects.

We also have vast, renewable forests that suck up carbon like a vacuum cleaner and store it for long periods of time, if not indefinitely as wooden objects, furniture and other structures. I can’t think of another place on Earth that can make the same sustainability claims we can here in B.C.

Add in the renewable wind energy, biomass, geothermal, wave and tidal energy B.C. is capable of generating, plus the strong commitment to the environment shown by British Columbians, and it’s clear B.C. is well-positioned to meet the challenges of the 21st century sustainably, as well as renewably and prosperously.


Marney Hogan


100 Mile House Free Press