Wellness brand was a community effort

Ashcroft's Wellness Brand committee says it won't be changing the brand.

Dear Editor

The Ashcroft Branding Committee would like to respond to the negative  Letters to the Editor and other comments and conversations around town regarding Ashcroft’s brand: Wellness Awaits You.

The process of developing a brand began many years ago because of a feeling by several active community members that a brand was needed to promote and market the community. Although Historic Ashcroft has long been used to describe the community – and it still is – it is not a brand and would make no sense as a brand. It would simply get lost in the crowd of similarly described communities and historic sites. So, Council gave its approval to begin the process to determine our community brand.

Those of you who attended the information forum last month in the community hall will hopefully realize just how much time and energy was put into the branding process. For those who weren’t able to come out, suffice to say that several years of intense work by many volunteers – with professional assistance when needed, and constant, ongoing community involvement went into our brand. Simply put, Wellness Awaits You sums up: Outdoor Adventure. Relaxation. Art. History. Recreation. Community.

The final result was presented to Council in 2010 and unanimously adopted. As a result, the branding group feels that their work on developing the brand is done and we are now focussed on marketing that brand. In other words, this group will not be revisiting the Ashcroft Wellness Awaits You brand.

That being said, there is nothing standing in the way of a new group approaching Council asking to start a new process to find a different brand. We mean this sincerely and wish those who are not in favour of the new brand all the best for a new branding process. Until that time, we will continue to forward the current brand.

Ashcroft Branding Group (which includes)

Deb Arnott

Jessica Clement

Jackie Tegart

Deb Tuohey

Bob Tuohey

Joris Ekering

Jack Jeyes

Martin Dalsin

and many more.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal