Wellness doesn’t stand on its own

Writer feels that Wellness by itself doesn't deliver.

Dear Editor

I feel compelled to add my voice to the chorus of those protesting this “Wellness” nonsense.

“Wellness Awaits You” is the sort of vague, feel-good platitude we might expect from the federal government. It is without foundation and subject to broad interpretation.

An examination of the platitude leads to the following propositions: persons who are already “well” have no reason to visit Ashcroft; and for those who are not “well”, what remedy do we offer? Dr. Who’s Miracle Elixir? The Magic Cave? The Fountain of Youth? None of the foregoing?

People will depart disillusioned and angry and will say bad things about us to their friends.

However, “Historic Ashcroft” reflects our colourful past, of which we are justly proud. Moreover, it can be substantiated by the information and artifacts in our fine museum.

Perhaps a compromise will resolve the dispute. What about “Visit Historic Ashcroft: Wellness Awaits You.” A simple statement of fact which should be acceptable to all.

Wise persons will change their minds; fools, never.

Jake Eckardt


[Ed. Note: Beverly Campbell suggested a similar “compromise” in her Apr. 24 letter: “Visit Historic Ashcroft, Home of a vibrant art community, [where] Wellness Awaits You.”]

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal