We’re ready to join Surrey


Re: Future of White Rock looks north, Aug. 18 letters.

White Rock has never made any sense economically – and given its geographic configuration and residential nature, it never will.


Re: Future of White Rock looks north, Aug. 18 letters.

White Rock has never made any sense economically – and given its geographic configuration and residential nature, it never will.

Building highrises where they probably do not belong will never solve the problem.

The recent articulate and well-thought-out letters to the editor, and the informal online poll conducted by Peace Arch News, make it clear the public understands this.

So what are the things that really matter?

1. Continued use of White Rock as a term to describe the area on this side of 99 – unless it already has a name, like Ocean Park or Crescent Beach.

2. Good water. It used to be this was assured by being in the White Rock city limits but is now more likely assured by a more capable inspection service provided by a larger city like Surrey.

3. Positive support to White Rock employees, as they transition to a different administration.

4. And the real clincher: for current White Rock residents, a guarantee that we get a parking sticker for as long as we stay in the current boundaries of White Rock.

It is time for our local politicians – city and province – to apply some common sense and move the amalgamation forward expeditiously before more money is wasted on duplicate facilities, employees and services, planning studies, branding, etc.

Just remember the parking stickers!

David Ulis, White Rock

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As a resident of White Rock, I must say I am unhappy with the disparity in taxes we residents must pay when compared with Surrey, Richmond and other municipalities.

With increasing demands for services and the rising costs of policing, fire protection and infrastructure, I believe our municipal government will soon find that being an “independent” municipality is unsustainable.

This being the case, we sorely need a person or persons to champion the cause of what I see as the inevitable re-amalgamation of White Rock and Surrey.

Duplication of services and the operation of another redundant local government make no sense.

To think that White Rock can continue into the future as is would be to deny reality.

Gus Nielsen, White Rock

Peace Arch News