We’re still left holding the bag


I would like to point out that most plastic bags do not make it to the dump empty.


I would like to point out that most plastic bags do not make it to the dump empty.

People in single-family homes can easily take their trash out to a garbage can with little trouble, although having it in a leakproof container would be beneficial.

The far greater number living in large apartment or condo buildings have a different problem. They must carry their trash through hallways and stairs or elevators to a common garbage area, and have no choice but to use plastic bags to accomplish the task without making a mess.

The free plastic bags provided in most stores serve a very good purpose in that they fit nicely in under-sink trash containers, as well as other containers around the home. If they were to be banned, everyone would have to replace them with the same type bags – the same type, that is, except that they would have to pay for them.

Doesn’t the re-use of those bags make more sense?

The bottom line is there would be no net benefit to the dump facility, and more paper bags would be used and wasted, creating more trash.

If they are “free,” it will be because the cost is already factored into the price of products sold. And that cost will be much more than it now costs to provide plastic.

Plastic bags are produced from byproducts of petroleum. If not used for the present purpose, you may be sure the industry would find some new product to manufacture that would still find its way to the dump – assuming they don’t just sell the same bags direct to those apartment/condo dwellers.

Those who can only think green should spend a bit of time researching the alternatives before coming up with their grand ideas.

Richard Bradley, White Rock


Peace Arch News