West Shore growth not balanced

Re: West Shore a good example for growth, Guest Comment, April 20, 2012.

Re: West Shore a good example for growth, Guest Comment, April 20, 2012.

What a tale Dan Spinner manages to spin in his recent column, “West Shore a good example for growth.”

Imagine the concept of sustainable growth with a finite resource, land. Is the perpetual motion machine next?

Does reducing the charges to developers by 25 per cent mean fewer amenities, such as parkland, bike trails and recreation facilities, that Spinner lauds as pioneering planning efforts?

How about sidewalks? A novel idea. These new developments often don’t have room for on street parking, with no turn-around spots.

Despite the feverish pace of new development we have yet to see a viable solution to the Colwood crawl.

Perhaps Spinner and those developers, investors and nonprofit leaders attending the recent forum could address some of these issues.

Peter Nalleweg





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