WGWH extends thanks

We are writing to salute the many local residents who in various ways supported Speak to the Wild

We are writing to salute the many local residents who in various ways supported Speak to the Wild, a four-day think tank recently held in Upper Clearwater and co-sponsored by Thompson Rivers University and the Wells Gray World Heritage Committee.

In the simple act of lending a hand to a worthy cause, these people have helped to win Wells Gray Park a place in the hearts and minds of Canada’s leading writers, poets, philosophers, scientists, educators, naturalists and conservationists.

Many thanks to Sandy Crane, Susan Dalby, Sharon Dhillon, Gord Dubois, Fred Erler, Ellen Ferguson, Trina Gregson, Sandra Holmes, Carolyn Kremer, Doris Laner, Dennis Leonard, Darren Ludbrook, Robert and Rosli Mannes, Noelle McCorriston, Susan and John McFarland, Erik Milton, Jean Nelson, Sharon Neufeld, Eskild Petersen, Les Sakals, Ursula and Fritz Schaer, Karena Schmidt, Tom Volkers, and Roswitha Wahl.

We also wish to thank several organizations and businesses who got behind Speak to the Wild: the Clearwater Rotary Club for hosting a wine and cheese event on opening night; Safety Mart for sole-sourcing our food; Clearwater Lake Tours for loan of canoes; Wells Gray Ranch for shower facilities; The North Thompson Times for excellent coverage before and after; and Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing Resort, Original Holidays, Rocky Mountaineer, Wells Gray Adventures, Wells Gray Air, and the Wells Gray Info Centre for financial and other support.

Finally, Lyn Baldwin, Doris Laner, Fritz Schaer and David Sims all deserve warm thanks for their splendid art exhibit on display at the Upper Clearwater Hall for the duration of Speak to the Wild.

Clearwater has done itself proud, thanks to you all of you. Participants in our event told us they were struck as much by the sheer physical beauty of the Wells Gray area as by the friendliness of the people who live here. Many intend to return for a longer visit.

One act of kindness at a time, we move our community forward.

Tom Dickinson, Dean of Science, Thompson Rivers University

Trevor Goward, spokesperson, Wells Gray World Heritage Committee

Clearwater Times