A letter writer wonders why Black Press columnist Tom Fletcher targets Gulf Island property owners while giving Whistler fat cats a free ride.

A letter writer wonders why Black Press columnist Tom Fletcher targets Gulf Island property owners while giving Whistler fat cats a free ride.

What about the ‘idle rich’ of Whistler?

Perhaps the only rich that deserve condemnation are the ones who are likely to vote NDP?

Re: “BC Ferries’ fleet sails into storm,” The Leader, May 15.

I have total empathy for Tom Fletcher’s feelings toward “the idle rich who can afford Gulf Islands real estate.” Indeed, why would we “working people” want to throw away untold millions into the laps of undeserving rich?

Strangely enough though, I do not recall Tom’s inveighing against the rich when we, the working people, were transferring countless millions while upgrading Sea-to-Sky Highway that leads to nothing more than a conglomeration of very expensive real estate known as Whistler.

Perhaps the only rich that deserve condemnation are the ones who are likely to vote NDP?


Alex Posoukh

Surrey Now Leader