COURTENAY CITY COUNCIL (minus Coun. Manno Theos) attended the official opening of the expanded Lewis Centre.

COURTENAY CITY COUNCIL (minus Coun. Manno Theos) attended the official opening of the expanded Lewis Centre.

What else do taxpayers not want to pay for?

Dear editor,

Reading a letter stating taxpayers should be outraged over curling building expenses made me contemplate.

Dear editor,

After reading the letter in the paper on Sept. 19 regarding the fact that taxpayers should be outraged over the expenses of the curling building, it made me contemplate on the merits of the statement.

Obviously the writer is not a curler.

I wonder if he uses the library, or tennis courts, or swimming pools or the other amenities that are taxpayer-funded. How about the parks and walking trails?

How many taxpayers are going to complain about paying for the new addition to the Lewis Centre in Courtenay because they don’t use that either?

Every community needs amenities that make it a viable, pleasant place to live. The more it can provide, the more it becomes attractive to live here.

We cannot be so self-centred that we are only willing to support those activities that are of interest to us personally. It is up to municipal councils to decide what is affordable and what will benefit the community.

I’m sure the curling club executive can put forward a good case for their right to be supported as much as any other community organization.

Lloyd Heath,



Comox Valley Record