One has to wonder why developers are so committed to the annihilation of trees in their projects. Could it be because:
1. Trees offer the only home for songbirds;
2. Trees protect the nearby soil from unnecessary erosion;
3. Trees provide welcome shade on baking-hot days;
4. Trees reduce water loss during drought season;
5. Trees protect us from noise and confer a sense of peace and tranquility.
Perhaps it is the majesty of these magnificent, towering trees that is so unsettling to the developer?
At any rate, the developers seem determined to rid us of every last tree stand in this City of Parksville. And what will developers do once they have been successful in decimating every last development corner of the city?
Why, they will move on elsewhere to do more of the same. I only wish they would move on elsewhere now — yes, now — before their obliteration is complete.
At the very least, let us pursue a compromise. How about every second lot must be left untouched? Or do we all aspire to look like Despard east, or denuded Renz?
Henry Salomon-De-Friedberg