What is Rossland reading?

This Spanish tale follows the lives of two youths joined together as gangsters, separated by fate.

Outlaws by Javier Cercas, 2012

This Spanish tale follows the lives of two youths joined together as gangsters, separated by fate and reunited in their later years. One becomes a notorious legend and the other returns as a lawyer to help his friend out. This twisting story unfolds through the perspectives of multiple characters and will give the reader an enjoyable ride with thought-provoking observations of life in Spain.

Fifteen Dogs by André Alexis,2016

The opinion of the Rossland Library Book Club was that they loved some parts of the book and detested others. This book has been on bestseller lists for many months; it follows a fable style where dogs come acquire human consciousness, with lessons to be taught to humans. I liked its uniqueness, but did not relate to many of the human and dog characters.

— Rossland Public Library

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