What is trusteeship?

Former school trustee Ron Dale talks about what it means to be a trustee.


When you run for public office as a school trustee, you run to make things better for students or you run to help your political friends.

Your job is to do your creative best with what you have. That means you have to support initiatives that will best meet the students’ needs. That means doing things differently.

Special needs student are often the center of the debate, being identified as the cause for teacher stress. Yet, we do not address the fact that the “inclusionary” model is extremely expensive but not working very well. Special needs students need special needs schools staffed by teachers and aides trained to meet special needs.

Isn’t it time to reconstruct the education system in B.C.?

Let’s start with a new calendar. Like in Britain, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, basically six weeks in session and two-week breaks. Then, let’s develop new curricula that reflect the needs of this century, one that gives the trades equal importance with the university track. The kids cannot wait for education to keep up with them and train them for their future.

I was proud to be a trustee, and I know four others in Cowichan who understand the true role of trusteeship and who stood up for the students and taxpayers.

Ron Dale


Editor’s Note: Ron Dale was a trustee for School District 68

Ladysmith Chronicle