What we deserve

If we are too weak to stand up to injustice, we get injustice.

Our system is becoming so convoluted that we cannot even suggest democratic responsibility without sending up with red flags of disrespect or worse.

Don’t get me wrong, striving to improve oneself and compete at the level that athletes like Michele Stilwell is doing is truly amazing and commendable.  This does not, and I repeat does not, allow an elected delegate to multi-task at the expense of their elected responsibilities.

No person can multi task, that is a misnomer. A human being can only do one thing at a time and while doing one thing, other options are not being done. Driving and using a cell phone is an example. That is why we have divorces when too much time is spent making money or at the bar and not enough time is spent at the home fires.

Ultimately, we get what we deserve. All things even out. If we are too weak to stand up to injustice, we get injustice. If we think things are just fine, things will not change. When we vote we get what we deserve.

This does not, however, overshadow our responsibility to improve our electoral system or to not hold our elected representative’s feet to the fire.

I never won any athletic medals of excellence. I was always too average, not “athletic” enough or too “not athletic” enough to really win anything. I simply worked hard most of my life and many times at two jobs trying to improve one’s life and make a better place for future generations.

To lower the expected standard of trusted elected positions out of convenience, is a very bad thing to do. This I know to be true.

Bob Tritschler





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