What will be do about a warming planet?

The question isn’t whether or not the Earth is warming, it is: Is it caused by man or a natural cycle?

Re: Climate change a bunch of hot air, (Progress letters, March 26).

Any scientist that says the Earth is not warming, or that it is actually cooling down is either; a moron, or employed by the oil companies (or both). Anyone with half a brain can clearly see the Earth is warming. Look at the record temperatures in Australia. Look at before and after pictures of any glacier, or Greenland, Antarctica, or the Arctic sea ice. Look at historic photos of some of our normally mild local lakes or the Fraser River frozen over in winter. Go up north and witness the permafrost ‘permanently’ melting.

The question isn’t whether or not the Earth is warming, it is: Is it caused by man or a natural cycle? Personally, for the sake of our future generations, I would rather be trying to do something about it than wasting time trying to refute the obvious.


Marvin Schier

Chilliwack Progress