What will happen to the 50 grand?

There is $50,000 in funding ‘up for grabs’ and I think it is great that the society is consulting the community.

There is $50,000 in funding ‘up for grabs’ and I think it is great that the society is consulting the community. The money was originally intended to be used for recreation purposes and I notice that aside from the original swimming pool and recreation centre idea, no other options for recreation projects were mentioned as a possible use for the funding.

There are several recreation initiatives being proposed at the moment including the multipurpose outdoor arena that the Burns Lake Rotary Club is working towards and the Burns Lake Soccer Club is also fundraising for an educational arboretum trail to be located at behind the Lakes District Secondary School fields.

Not only that but the Tom Forsyth Memorial Arena is also in line for a number of upgrades.

To me, it seems like a big task for the community to raise upwards of $10 million dollars for a recreation complex and swimming pool.

And to raise the $42 million for a multiplex, well I am not saying it is impossible but it would certainly take a lot of successful grant applications and probably many years of plugging away.

If the society is going to disband and distribute the money it is my feeling that it should probably go towards a project focussed on recreation — in line with the original intent.

While a pool would be wonderful and would probably promote new families moving to Burns Lake I don’t think it is the ‘be all and end all’ for Burns Lake.

I have been to several Regional District of Bulkley Nechako board meetings where the Houston pool has been the topic of discussion and the mayor of Houston, Bill Holmberg warned other communities that owning a municipal pool is not all it is cracked up to be. He said a pool always brings tax increases to cover any repayments and costly maintenance.

I know the Vanderhoof pool committee is working towards a pool for the community at the moment and currently there is a 28 per cent tax increase proposed in Vanderhoof as well as tax increases for the communities of Fort St. James and Fraser Lake to cover the costs.

The point I am trying to make, is that there is more to consider than just fundraising for the initial cost.

As for passing the money on to the Lakes District Hospital Replacement project, it is something that the community will have to voice their opinion about.

While the project is in need, I don’t think it fits the guidelines for the original intent for the funding.

While all of the suggested uses for the funds are in desperate need, I think you have to ask what is the fair and right thing to do.

According to Burns Lake Swimming Pool Society president Frits Goossen a number of the locals who donated the $50,000 in funding have since passed away.

It was their wish for the funding to be used for recreational purposes. If it turns out that a swimming pool and recreational complex is not attainable at this time, then it seems to only be fair that the money is used towards the completion of another local recreational project.

It is very important that the community members turn up to the meeting, after all the society is asking for your help.

The society’s annual general meeting on Dec. 13. (see ad on page 8 for more info).


Burns Lake Lakes District News