What will the new year bring

2011 may have been tough but there could be a reason to smile in the new year...I hope.

Here we are at the end of another year and if you are like me you must be thinking where has all the time dissipated.

It is always therapeutic to look back at the year which is ending and see what you have done…I think.

It has been a tough year for many people all over the world.

Economies have been up and down like a yo-yo though for the most part things have been sitting at the bottom of the string.

Nature has repeatedly reminded us of what she can do on a bad day. We have seen elections which have changed the face of Canadian politics and everything in between. So what does the past year mean to you?

There are things which effect all of us in different ways from our own personal lives right through to the world around us.

For myself it was a year of change.

I came to Golden in June and have been  adjusting to a new life and area, which I have enjoyed doing.

It is always interesting moving somewhere new because it gives you the chance to experience many different things in the world you now live in.

New experiences are always good because they give you the chance to learn things you never knew.

One of the highlights of my year which was not appreciated by many people in British Columbia was the Stanley Cup finals.

I tuned 40 this year and for as long as I remember I cheered for the Bruins.

The last time they won the cup I was right around six months old. It was tough at times to cheer against a Canadian team but realistically no one was more thrilled that I was to see the Bad Bruins hoist the cup. (This is one debate between myself and Jessica which we will never agree on as even now I see the anger in her eyes when the topic occasionally comes up.)

As for the age thing it is overwhelming at times what happens to people when they hit an age with a zero at the end. As I turned 40 I happen to call my mother that week and she asked me how it felt to hit another milestone.

My response was it was no tougher to get out of bed than it was the day before so not much had changed.

The world seems fixated on numbers and as we hit a certain age everything must have changed instantly.

Life is an interesting ride and time is certainly one thing which does not stop.

In the end we are what we should be on New Year’s Eve. U2 once wrote the legendary song New Years Day and sang about how nothing changes.

They are right but the hope is possibly one year everyone will get it and learn from the mistakes of the past so they are not repeated.

The world is not the easiest place to be for many reasons but we have to hold on to some form of hope that things have the chance to change for the better. This year my younger brother became a father for the first time and at the end of the day when I look forward to 2012 I am looking forward to planning a trip to Ontario where I will get a chance to visit with my family and get to meet her.

I have always liked a quote from the movie Grosse Pointe Blank which sums things up by saying “Everybody’s coming back to take stock of their lives. You know what I say? Leave your livestock alone.”

Have a happy New Year


Golden Star