What’s happening behind the scenes at BC Hydro

The stage is being set for something that may make the BC Rail fraud look small

Editor, The Times:

Who are these people? What possibly could be their gain in all of this? Money maybe? How much do they need? They must have families, children and parents, all who live in and enjoy this great province of ours. Why on earth would they do what they are doing to destroy B.C.? It is beyond my comprehension as to why this government would do these things to British Columbia.

They have given away our railroad and, as I have stated before, they are well on the way trying to break our BC Hydro.

Any one interested in the facts of this, please listen to retired economist Eric Anderson at thecanadian.org. He discusses a troubling and possibly sinister financial situation at BC Hydro. As it says on the website, Anderson asks: Is BC Hydro being put in financial jeopardy in order to privatize it? This is shocking and almost unbelievable stuff and must be seen by all. Once again we see the media and the NDP silent, the government corrupt, and our future being put at great risk. The stage is being set for something that may make the BC Rail fraud look small.

Wayne Russell

Clearwater, B.C.


A proud member of the BC ReFederation Party



Clearwater Times