What’s in a name? Spelling

The misspelling of names in a recent article draws ire.

Dear editor,

Congratulations, you have done it again. I refer to your article published in the North Island Midweek on Jan. 2, 2013 and in particular to the title on page three “Veronica’s triple victory”. I would also refer you to your publisher and ask her about my penchant for the correct spelling of a persons name.

You, and I say you, because you are responsible for the content of the newspaper, have changed the name for some reason, of the young lady in the photograph from Veronica to Amanda, effectively spoiling her moment in the sun. As there seems to be no resemblance in my mind between Veronica and Amanda there is no excuse for the error other than a distinct lack of proof-reading.

While on the same subject and the same article you have also misspelled the names of some other students, in particular Matthew Macdonald (note lower case), Serenity Galiteine (sic) and Devon Gullacher.

I have checked my copy of the winners from all the schools that I forwarded to you and I am sure Mr. Wood of Avalon School also gave you the correct spellings of the pupils.

Young people in this day and age deserve all the help and respect they can get especially when they are thrown into the Limelight and “We” in the Legion try to give it to them.So should you.

Thank You.

Yours truly.

George Kearey,

Branch 237,

Royal Canadian Legion,

Port Hardy

Editor’s note: Serenity Galitzine’s name was spelled correctly in the article. The Gazette regrets the misspellings of the other students’ names.


North Island Gazette