What’s so smooth about it?

While I agree the Liberals have taken B.C. for a ride since 2001, it’s his reference to the “smoothness” of the voyage that confuses me

I read with puzzled interest the recent letter from Bill Wilson. While I agree the Liberals have taken B.C. for a ride since 2001, it’s his reference to the  “smoothness” of the voyage that confuses.

What is smooth about their gutting of legitimate collective agreements, their design and delivery of a public education law later found to be unconstitutional by the B.C. Supreme Court, their inaccurate forecasting of provincial budget revenues and expenditures, dramatically increased costs to citizens of fundamentals like MSP premiums, the duplicitous introduction of the HST, the unregulated agreement to install smart meters, the cynical exploitation of ethnic communities for “quick wins”, police raids on government offices, their closing of 85 per cent of legal aid offices, the suspect sale of B.C. Rail, and their shameful record of having the highest child poverty rates in Canada seven years in a row?

I’m happy this voyage is almost over.

The NDP Island Mr. Wilson fears so much looks pretty inviting to me.

Allan Collier

North Saanich


Peninsula News Review