What’s the harm in a thank you?

We tip other people who help us, so what's so bad about Teacher Appreciation Day?

Re: No need to thank teachers for cancelling programs (Letters, May 4)

I’d like to ask Ms. Houle if she has been to a restaurant lately and tipped her server for doing his/her job of serving her a meal? How about the newspaper delivery person at Christmas for doing their job of delivering newspapers?

Let’s not forget that teachers have continued to do their job of teaching this entire year.

Extracurricular activities are not a part of our job just like it isn’t a part of your family physician’s job to open their office after hours because you aren’t able to see them during regular office hours.

And as for our two day walk out, I personally know many more students who missed more than two days by extending their spring break holidays to go to Mexico or Whistler. I guess it’s OK for kids to miss school to go on holidays. It’s not OK for kids to miss two days of school because teachers are fighting for government to provide adequate funding for schools so that students aren’t in oversized classrooms with teachers that can’t possibly meet student needs; that iPads and laptops needed for the BCED plan are provided by the government for all students and not just those students with families wealthy enough to provide them.

Not thanking teachers for removing themselves from extracurricular activities is fine. But failing to thank a teacher for doing their job of educating your child would be a shame.

Shannon Toronitz

Brentwood Bay

Peninsula News Review