What’s the rush for arts towers?


Re: Theatre space to require funds, Dec. 10 letters.


Re: Theatre space to require funds, Dec. 10 letters.

In response to the letter published, I would like to add a few more points.

I wholeheartedly agree that the public needs to be aware of all the extra expenses that are involved in the proposed residential tower development, including performing-arts centre, gallery and café.

The public needs to be aware of all points regarding this project, but it seems that there are still many questions that need to be answered.

We now know that the theatre, gallery and café will only be constructed as shells. I would think that to design and outfit these spaces with the necessary items would cost in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Who pays?

We don’t know at what point during construction this will begin, and we don’t have an end date as to when it can all start to make money back for our city.

The surrounding roads also pose more questions. How is 152 Street to be widened for rapid-transit lanes? Logistically, how is that possible with businesses lining the road? When is 152A Street to be extended to 16 Avenue and again, logistically, how is that possible? How about the proposed improvements to surrounding intersections? When? Who pays?

What is the timeline for these things to be completed? Years?

How will our infrastructure handle the overload? Yes, reports are being done now but again when are actual improvements going to happen? Who pays?

And what happens in the meantime?

A project of this magnitude needs more time and more information presented to the public.

Why, after the public only learning of it in mid-October, is it reported that the architect team is saying that their target date for a public hearing is Feb. 3? What’s the rush?

Kristen Smith, Surrey



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