Where are the NDP in Abbotsford-South?

NDP owe an apology to the residents of Aldergrove and are trying to make an informed decision on who their new MLA should be.


The past couple of weeks I have attended all-candidates debates at both the University of the Fraser Valley and at Matsqui Auditorium (Abbotsford Chamber and Friends) — and at neither of these events did the NDP candidate show-up. Indeed, the moderator for the UFV student-led debate informed the audience that the candidate didn’t even respond with a reply one-way or the other. I later learned that the NDP candidate didn’t show-up at any of the scheduled all-candidates debates (four in total that I am aware of).

Shocked by this lack of respect for the organizers of these events, I now see that the NDP candidate for Abbotsford-South didn’t put up a single sign until just a couple of days ago. Moreover, she hasn’t put out a single press release or policy statement, nor has she responded to any media requests. Indeed, all she has done is collect the necessary signatures to get on the ballot.

As I reflected on all this one overwhelming feeling kept persisting — disgust. Not frustration. Not disappointment. Not shock. Disgust!

Our democracy, though perhaps not perfect (personally, I would like to see proportional representation), is a precious gift that others around the world do not get to enjoy. It is a process by which we can directly influence our representatives. To let one’s name stand and then do nothing… to be nothing more than a place holder… to not offer oneself as a legitimate option but rather simply a spoiler… is so offensive to me, and so disrespectful of the entire electoral process, that I find myself feeling absolutely disgusted.

The NDP is campaigning on “change” and notions such as the BC Liberals have “been in power too long.” Well, decisions are made by those who show up and if they can’t find credible candidates to show-up in the election process, let’s not be naive enough to assume that if elected they’ll show-up to fight for the best interests of their constituents.

Finally, the NDP owe an apology to the residents of Aldergrove in particular who have just become part of the Abbotsford-South riding and are trying to make an informed decision on who their new MLA should be. Shame on those NDP candidates who are in it for a line on their resume rather than serving the people of British Columbia, and shame on John Horgan as party leader for allowing this to happen.

On May 9th, let’s not make a change just for the sake of change!

Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M.


Aldergrove Star