Where do the statistics come from?

Just curious as to where Bryn White got her figures from. Eighty-six per cent support a dedicated conservation fund...

To the Editor:

Just curious as to where Bryn White got her figures from. Eighty-six per cent support a dedicated conservation fund, there is public support for a $13 to $25 levy. Who did the asking?

Where/when was the asking done?

I for one sent an email to my Area “B” rep saying we were not in favor of this. There are enough committees at all levels of government covering this already, we do not need more and definitely not to the tune of collecting $500,000 annually.

She says an initial project could study water and water quality, are we not already doing this? Drop this idea now, we do not need money spent on a referendum, better things to spend it on!

Alyce Coggan, Cawston


Keremeos Review