Where does climate change lawsuit stand?

both the complainants and the federal government will have the most qualified scientists testifying



Where does climate change lawsuit stand?

Amid this pandemic, what has happened to the lawsuit launched by the children against the federal government, because climate change has made them sick?

For certain both the complainants and the federal government will have the most qualified scientists testifying at the trial. They will be giving evidence to support or deny that fossil fuel is causing a greenhouse effect, which in turn is causing global warming, which in turn is causing the climate to change.

Over many years there has been very strong difference of opinions expressed by many very qualified scientists on the subject. The issue will be settled by judges examining the evidence put forward by the scientists. Their decision will put the issue to rest once and for all, either in favour of the children or the government.

The outcome of this trial is crucial not only to the Canadian taxpayer, if the children are successful but I’m sure that David Suzuki is just as anxious because if the children are not successful, because his Foundation will “take a hit” for the legal bill.

John Walker

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen