Where we came from makes a difference

Editor’s note: The Castlegar News has previously run a religious column and will be running one regularily again.

Editor’s note: The Castlegar News has previously run a religious column and will be running one regularily again.



Castlegar Baptist Church

Pastor Tom Kline

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1

The Bible begins with a statement of great importance and meaning. Man has grappled with the question of his origin for centuries and has come up with some pretty outlandish theories. Egyptian myth postulated a primeval ocean upon which appeared an egg. From the egg was born the sun god, and the sun god had four children: Geb, Shu, Tefnut and Nut. From the rivalries of those god-born children of the sun the creation took place. The ancient Babylonians, Greeks and other cultures had scenarios that follow a similar mythical vein.  The most recent of these myths is of course is evolution.

The interesting thing is that none of this theorizing is necessary because we have a direct statement from the One who created the universe. The first two chapters of Genesis give us many details about God’s creative process. When we understand that we are not just a product of a series of random accidents over billions of years, we can begin to understand the meaning and purpose of life. We are not just intelligent animals that live 80 or so years whose sole goal is to be as happy as we can be. Your creator has a great interest in and purpose for your life and desires a relationship with you. When life is lived in concert with the way God designed there is wonderful fulfillment and blessing.

I know there are many who would argue with my classification of evolution as myth. We all have been told that evolution is a conclusion of sound science. Nevertheless it is at best unproven science. When I attended school it was referred to as a theory. Somewhere over the years it was promoted to fact without any more real proof. Furthermore, in a world bent on becoming more secular, evolution was crowned the absolute monarch of science silencing all nonconformists. There are many good scientists who see no contradiction between true science and the Biblical account of creation. However, they are never given a voice in secular academies or media.

Logic alone raises serious doubt about the vast universe coming from nothing or that our highly complex, beautifully engineered world came about by random chance. It is absolutely impossible to get life from non-life. The truth of the matter is that man wants to reject any accountability or responsibility to God. If you knew the Creator and how He loves you, you would not want theories that deny Him.


Castlegar News