Where’s that Just Transition Act?

Instead of a climate champion as leader, we have a fossil fuel enabler


Where’s that Just Transition Act?

Instead of a climate champion as leader, we have a fossil fuel enabler who thinks it can be business as usual. It’s time to wake up, pull our heads out of the tar sands and work together for a greener and just future. First Nations and environmental scientists have been pointing the way for some years and it’s well past time to listen and act on their recommendations.

Canadian politicians should look forward and deliver a better vision for the future. The Keystone XL cancellation signals that the fossil fuel era is ending. Trudeau could mark this moment by delivering on the Just Transition Act he promised in 2019. Workers need government action to support them through the transition to a green economy. Let’s get to work on making it happen with a Just Transition Act.

Sue Anderson


Cowichan Valley Citizen