Where’s the freedom of speech?

Editor: Apparently, the owner of the business, Health In Order, is now required to apply for a permit for a new sign on her building.


Apparently, the owner of the business, Health In Order, is now required to apply for a permit for a new sign on her building which would be rejected by council because two anonymous complaints have been received regarding its’ offensive message.

What is truly offensive is that its removal because of complaints would be a direct contravention of freedom of speech. If some folks feel that toxic tar sands diluted bitumint should flow through our community and thereby furthering the development of the most destructive industrial enterprise on the planet, they should mount their own artwork expressing their approval. We don’t live in Russia or China. We are still free to express our opinions. Please forgo any thought of using heavy handed administrative tactics to limit free expression of opinion.

Truly yours,

Don Magwood


Burns Lake Lakes District News