Where’s the park?

Exact location of John Phillips Memorial Park should be clear

The issue surrounding the protection of John Phillip Memorial Park has created a lot of discussion in the Sooke News Mirror.

For the longest time we, like many others, did not quite understand what all the fuss was about and where JPM Park is actually located in Sooke.

When I finally realized that it is the beautiful park on Otter Point Road adjacent to the Sooke municipal offices and what is at stake — by reading Jacquie Jocelyn’s letter to the editor, published in your Nov. 28, 2012 issue — I decided to add more emphasis to the protection of this park with my letter – published in the SNM Dec. 5, 2012.

Unfortunately, you or someone else in your office changed the headline from “Protect and Preserve JPM Park”  to “Speaking for the Majority,” which in itself is a good headline, but the elimination of the reference to the park in the headline would have required putting it in the first sentence. Without it the confusion continues and I just found out from Jacquie that people are asking her why she is against the triathalon.

Gisela Kumar


Sooke News Mirror