Which way is it?

Why build a new facility, only to cut back on the funding for the program in it

Page A1, The NEWS, March 2: Family place funding — services face cuts.

The $35,000 annual funding received by Parksville’s BLT program for the last three years has been pulled.

Last year, the province reduced the funding to Vancouver’s literacy program (Decoda) from $2.5 million to $1 million.

Decoda made up the shortfall last year but was unable to make it up this year (hence the “devastating” loss of funding for BLT).

Page A3, The NEWS, March 21: $2 million for 800 metres of Highway 19A.

Parksville city council awarded a contract to upgrade about 800 metres of Highway 19A. This project had “been planned for years but became a higher priority due to traffic concerns around the new Family Place building.”

I wonder:

• Where did the money come from for the new Family Place building?

• With the funding cut to Decoda last year, did BLT not get a heads up that their funding was at risk this year?

• Why a new building at this “devastating” time?

• Since the funding is jeopardizing BLT, will the upgrades to Highway 19A be needed at this time?

• Would it have been better to have put off the expensive upgrades in order to fund the BLT program?

Or, can Parksville afford to do both?

April McKenna


Qualicum Beach



Parksville Qualicum Beach News