White elephant

Letter writer says it's better to do nothing at the college site than to do the wrong thing

All of the good arguments for spending $7.5 million on an artificial track and field at the Vernon college site have not convinced me to vote for it at referendum in April.

Arguments against: The location is wrong, the expense is too great for the wrong facility at the college site, the facility can only be used for about half of the year when it is not too cold or too hot.

At this time, a field house for year-round use for all sports would be more practical at the college site for the same reasons that an indoor soccer facility was built at Marshall Field.

An indoor field house at the college, designed as the core building of a college health science program with year-round recreation progras, sports medicine and public health training, makes better use of the site.

It’s better to do nothing at the college site than to do the wrong thing and create another white elephant facility like the horse race track at the north end of town.

John Prior



Vernon Morning Star