White Rock byelection


Re: Lawrence tops City of White Rock byelection, Nov. 6.


Re: Lawrence tops City of White Rock byelection, Nov. 6.

It is refreshing to see Bill Lawrence finally gain a seat on White Rock council.

I met him a couple of years ago when he first ran for local office. At that time, I was personally impressed with his calm demeanour, his approach to local politics and, most of all, his knowledge and awareness of the local issues.

He will be a breath of fresh air to White Rock council.

On the issue of local business, I hope Lawrence will revisit the Amtrak topic. To have an Amtrak passenger-train stop in the community would be a major coup for the community and more so for the hospitality businesses in the catchment areas.

Good luck.

Orvis Noel, Surrey

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An open letter to the 85 per cent who didn’t vote.

Voting is a privilege. Not every nation allows democracy and not every individual has a voice.

Fundamentally, democracy believes in the individual. We are fortunate to be able to act as individuals in the eyes of our government. Voting does not necessarily make our country better, but it is certain that individuals make our country better by participating in the democratic process. It shows we are actively engaging our government by determining its course.

Without voting, democracy would ultimately fail. Citizens should find solace in having the right to voice their opinion, and voting is an extension of this form of expression.

If one does not vote, they lose that chance to express their opinion. And as each opinion matters, there is no such thing as an insignificant election. All elections matter, as it is your chance to be heard.

In this vein, we should all embrace that we have the right to vote. Most of us do not know anything other than having this right; we are fortunate.

I invite you to study the history of democracy, and realize the value of your vote. It is not something to be ignored or thought of as meaningless; many have fought and died for the democratic rights so many take for granted.

Steven Hughes, White Rock

Peace Arch News