Who doesn’t get it?

Some events have occurred that prompted me to complain about “modern” technology and its effect on people

Well, it finally happened. Some events have occurred that prompted me to complain about “modern” technology and its effect on people.

While watching a movie at a local theatre, a lady’s phone rang quite loudly for several seconds as she tried to locate it in her purse.

I felt sorry for her, but then she proceeded to text someone after checking the caller. Unbelievable.

The day before while at a store, my attention was drawn to a nice family (dad and two sons) who entered around the same time.  I was impressed as the boys were so polite and well-behaved, listening to their father’s instructions about his expectations while shopping.

About 10 minutes later, these same boys were throwing a loud fit and hitting their father because he wanted to leave while they were playing a video game on the store’s console.

These last two incidents were just the “camel straw” that revived memories of five people at a restaurant all texting rather than communicating with each other, and students at school who “must” answer texts during class or their friends will be upset with them, texting drivers, and many others too numerous to mention.

A good friend of mine recently began texting all evening during a social visit.

When I voiced my displeasure, I was told that I was “old and didn’t get it”.

I should have said something to that rude woman in the theatre, but I thought that perhaps she was handicapped. Later observations led me to believe that was not the case.

But then I realized that she, and thousands of others, really are handicapped. They have a compulsion they can’t control to answer and respond to texts no matter where or when.

They must have constant visual stimulation to the point they can’t quit while engaged in games. I may be “old”, but I do get it. They are to be pitied.

Jim Ferguson



Vernon Morning Star