Who loses?


I’m trying to wrap my head around this.

The uber-NIMBYs of the Dogwood Initiative prefer a clear cut to a resort. Do they really believe that the province is going to give them $5 million so they can have their own private park?

It was made abundantly clear when Western Forest Products sold the land that the B.C. government wasn’t going to buy it. Now, when there’s a global economic downturn and the BCTF just got over two billion reasons why they won’t be getting their raise, Mike Hicks thinks that they’re going to give him $5 million to buy land that they already rejected. Stridency and arrogance win out again.

Thankfully China is buying softwood lumber so at least our local loggers will have employment for a few years. I guess there’s something of a silver lining to this after all. Just not for the local trades, the local First Nations, the local businesses or anybody that would have benefitted over the long term.

Jason Kitt





Sooke News Mirror