Who retired and made Mayor Chernoff boss?

In response to Castlegar Mayor Lawrence Chernoff's proposal to build a new regional hospital in Castlegar.

In response to his trip to Victoria to see Minister DeYong to propose building a new regional hospital in Castlegar (Trail Times, March 14, front page), Castlegar Mayor Lawrence Chernoff was quoted as saying he did so for the benefit of the region.

So, who retired and made Chernoff regional boss?

To what region is he referring?

Is it the Interior Health Authority’s region that covers a very wide area, including Kelowna, Nelson, Castlegar and Trail, or is he referring to the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary that includes Big White, Midway, Grand Forks, Trail, Warfield, Rossland, the Beaver Valley and areas?

Perhaps he’s referring to the Regional District of Central Kootenay of which Castlegar is a part. If he’s referring to the IHA’s region, did it make Chernoff its spokesperson?

How about RDKB?  Did it approve of Chernoff speaking on its behalf?  Is this why RDKB is holding back health care funding, hoping that Chernoff gets his new hospital in another regional district?

Did the RDCK and Nelson appoint Chernoff their spokesperson? Do they approve of Kootenay Lake Hospital being closed to accommodate Chernoff’s grand plan for Castlegar?

So, again, Mayor Chernoff, who retired and made you regional boss?

Rose Calderon, Trail

Trail Daily Times