Who’s funding the ICF Lawsuit against fell?

The Island Corridor Foundation is suing Julian Fell for having the temerity to say just what many people have been thinking for a long time.

The Island Corridor Foundation is suing Julian Fell for having the temerity to say just what many people have been thinking for a long time.

It is using the excuse of “protecting the credibility of the foundation” to muzzle Fell’s personal opinions and his right to free speech.

In view of its denial of secrecy, will the ICF be open and transparent enough to assure the public it is not using funds provided for restoration of rail service in order to protect “the personal reputations of the directors and staff”?

Probably not, since the ICF has maintained its secrecy in any answer to Fell’s allegations and I doubt the directors and staff will be funding the lawsuit out of their own pockets.

Or will the ICF now sue me for inferring its misuse of public funds?

Andy MundyBowser

Parksville Qualicum Beach News