Who’s paying for time?

Myself and many other supporters that are attending these hearings are doing it on our own dime.


Patricia Spencer and Council of Canadians both stated in their closing remarks at the closing Prosperity Panel hearings on Friday: “We wonder how many interested parties who support the mine attended the topic specific sessions. This would have given them a much better understanding of the proposal and its potential impacts, and they would be in a better position to make an informed decision.”

I would like to address this comment.

1.) To answer the question … We were unable to attend the above mentioned sessions because we were working, making a living and paying taxes so you can sit on your tush all day listening to misinformation that you and your groups spewed forth.

2.) We can read. I, and others, have gone over the topic specific submissions and have made an informed decision.

Myself and many other supporters that are attending these hearings are doing it on our own dime.

Matter of fact, most all of us have to take time away from work without pay to attend these hearings.

My question to you: Who is paying the Council of Canadians and Mining Watch Canada to sit through five weeks of hearings?

I know they’re not doing it for nothing.

I know Joan Kuyek, from the Ontario based Mining Watch Canada, does not volunteer her time. She is a paid activist.

Len Doucette

108 Mile Ranch

Williams Lake Tribune