Who’s representing Vernon?

Resident upset with some of the decisions made by Vernon city council

Does anyone know where our mayor lives? Just asking because I am trying to figure out why our present city council seems so much more concerned with the wants of our neighbours instead of the citizens who elected them.

Case in point: The new parks agreement gives our most valuable property, Kal Beach, which belonged to Vernon,  to the Regional District of North Okanagan.  In return, we got some disjointed, undeveloped lots on Kin Beach. Then we didn’t bother to buy the property separating these lots. We also got the dubious privilege of bearing the sole cost of running Polson Park, the most labour-intensive park in the area. I love my neighbours, but if they asked me for my swimming pool, I would have to decline.  After all, we’re talking about the legacy of my family.

Case in point: Abandoning numerous public input committees, including land use, environmental, heritage advisory and sister city, among others in the name of cost-saving, then hiring a full-time communications person. Clearly city hall wants to talk at us, rather than hear from us.

Case in point: Moving the visitors centre to the most picturesque part of town.  Hello? Is anyone listening?

Case in point: Reversing a decision to ask us if we would like to have a study on amalgamation even though it was recommended in the $80,000 core services review they campaigned on. No one can force amalgamation, so why not find out if it benefits anyone?  Perhaps it would prove beneficial to our neighbours as well.  Who loses by asking us?

Case in Point:  The neighbours get more attention than those who chose to amalgamate (Okanagan Landing).

Case in point:  The recent dispute about adjacent property owners wanting to hook up to Vernon sewer.

They have to be part of the city in order to be billed for city services. Yet our neighbours accuse us of gobbling up their tax base. We are told there is no interest in amalgamation, yet these property owners are given no choice at all.

My first question was asked somewhat facetiously, and yet brings to mind another question.

Has anyone who lives in the City of Vernon ever been elected as mayor or council member in Coldstream?

Or as a director in Area B or C? Yet our elected officials are often from throughout the Greater Vernon area. What about employees?

Do any Vernon residents work at Coldstream city hall?

I’m just asking because it seems that this spirit of co-operation and inclusiveness only runs one way.

Everyone wants to be included in the City of Vernon decisions, just not as a taxpayer.

And as a Vernon taxpayer, I find this disconcerting.

I don’t know where our mayor lives. I tried to look it up.


However I do know where the reporter who editorializes so often on the importance of co-operation with the neighbours lives, and it’s not in Vernon.

Jocelyn Hill




Vernon Morning Star